The Austin Construction Company Guide to Buying Doors

Austin construction company

February 16, 2023

Doors are an essential part of any home. They offer a layer of security going into your house, as well as privacy when moving between rooms. Your exterior doors, in particular, set your home’s tone. When people walk by, it is one of the first things that they will notice. You want to give a good first impression, especially to loved ones that come to visit you. But beyond that, a good door has the ability to drive up your home’s market value. After all, if you are attracting positive attention from your neighbors, friends, and relatives, you will similarly attract attention from prospective buyers.

Whether you are remodeling your existing home or building a brand new one with an Austin construction company, you need to keep doors at the top of your mind. The question is: how do you even go about picking the right doors? There are so many choices out there! It doesn’t have to be an overwhelming process when you have a home services expert by your side. Check out everything you need to know about getting doors for your house.

Signs You Need to Replace Your Doors

In some instances, a fresh coat of paint will work wonders. However, if your door is falling apart before your eyes, you are obviously going to want to contact an Austin construction company. Problem points include if the door is warping, cracking, or peeling. If your entry door has windows, they might have water damage or chipping. Because doors are so heavily used by homeowners and their guests, they are subject to a high level of abuse. While certain materials can withstand that abuse better than others, keep an eye out for where you can do a little bit of maintenance.

Another big reason why you would replace your doors is if they look outdated. Perhaps you have done some renovations or remodeling projects in recent years but opted not to change your door. Or you might even be tackling a project right now and noticing how different your doors look from the rest of the design. In a modern home, an outdated exterior door detracts from your curb appeal.

Always Be Mindful of Building Codes

You likely know that Austin construction companies need to follow building codes when they perform remodeling projects. After all, they need to promote the safety of both their team and your property. A homeowner is making an investment to improve the property, so it must be taken seriously. But you may not know that building codes come into play with the installation of doors, as well. These building codes ensure that exterior doors are built and installed with security and emergency response in mind.

One important code is the International Residential Code. It outlines standards for one- and two-family residences. Individual municipalities are able to modify the code on a local level, but construction companies across the board must be considerate of types of hardware and how landings surrounding exterior doors are designed. The National Fire Protection Association also has a model code. It sets the number and location of exterior doors, and emphasizes the importance of a panic hardware device.

Pre-Hung vs Slab Doors

There are two types of doors that you will find when shopping. The first is pre-hung. A pre-hung door is considered a “ready to go” door. It is attached by hinges to a doorframe that is three-sided. While it may require some additional features, an Austin construction company is able to easily install it into your doorway. This differs from a slab door because it has a frame. Slab doors, on the other hand, need someone to attach them to existing door frames. They can also be purchased with or without holes for the doorknob, while pre-hung doors always have holes pre-drilled.

While pre-hung doors are beneficial because they make work easy and fast, they are quite heavy. They can weigh anywhere between 50 to over 100 pounds. And while slab doors have greater design flexibility, they will need to undergo extensive carpentry work. You need to have patience as your construction team gets to work. Ultimately, pre-hung and slab doors both have their pros and cons, so consult with a professional over the best choice.

Door Image 2

Photo by Im3rd Media on Unsplash

3 Styles of Doors

The reason why there are so many styles of doors comes down to their functionality. By choosing the right door, you can elevate your home’s appeal. While there are several different types that an Austin construction company can incorporate depending on the overall style of your home, let’s look at three of them.

French Doors

An elegant option, French doors make a real statement. These double doors can open independently or together, and are primarily composed of glass panes. French doors are able to provide rooms with plenty of light, while making a space appear more spacious.

Sliding Doors

You will typically find sliding doors on the back or side of a house. They are known to lead onto a deck or patio, making this a good choice for people who spend a lot of time in their backyard. Sliding doors move on a track so that they do not protrude into a room.

Dutch Doors

Also known as a double-hung or half door, Dutch doors are split in half horizontally. This allows the top half to open while the bottom stays shut. The goal is to allow sunlight and the breeze to come into your home, as well as to make a charming first impression of your home.

3 Door Materials

When you pick out a new front door, you want it all. You want it to be aesthetic, long-lasting, low-maintenance, energy-efficient, and not too expensive. With the help of an Austin construction company, you can make a more informed decision on what is the right material. To get a better sense of what to expect, check out these popular material choices for exterior doors.

Steel Doors

If you want a strong barrier against pests and intruders, steel is a high-quality and energy-efficient material. By properly maintaining steel doors and keeping them from rusting, they can last over five decades. To avoid the steel absorbing too much heat from direct sunlight, go with a lighter color.

Fiberglass Doors

Another energy-efficient door material is fiberglass, which is insulated with foam. Fiberglass doors are resistant to scratches and dents, so they are capable of lasting up to 20 years without the need for repair. And while they are expensive, you can recoup the majority of your door replacement in home value.

Wood Doors

You have thousands of aesthetically-pleasing wood doors to choose from. Whether your home leans more traditional or modern, there are artistic designs that can complement your style. Wood is also an easy material to stain or paint different colors, so you can change the look of your doors up over time.

Want to work with an Austin construction company that values your sense of style? Bat City Builders is all about exceeding your expectations, no matter the scope of the project. Our average project size falls in the $250K range, so we know a thing or two about full-scale remodeling. You will end up with the highest quality finished product. Get in touch with us so that we can talk about your dream home! We will make a great plan that is within your budget.