You want your new custom home to be your safe haven. That starts long before you have settled in with all of your furniture and other personal belongings. During the building process, every Texas custom home builder needs to be mindful of safety protocols and building standards. You may have heard of the International residential Code which is a major component of safe building practices. By having these protocols in place during each project, common errors can be averted. This doesn’t just mean that the home builder’s team will be safe, it also makes your home so much safer.
What is the International Code Council?
Established in 1994, the International Code Council was an idea formed by the International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO), Building Officials and Code Administrators International (BOCA), and Southern Building Code Congress International (SBCCI). It has become the leading global source of building safety solutions. These solutions are dedicated to ensuring that structures are safe, resilient, affordable, and sustainable. The International Code Council achieves this by authoring standards that are applied to training, technology, evaluation, and beyond. This organization has an impressive inventory of educational products in support of its codes. Texas custom home builders can connect with industry experts worldwide by becoming International Code Council members.
Who does the International Residential Code apply to?
The International Residential Code is currently adopted in 49 states, as well as the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Guam. This means that Texas custom home builders must abide by the International Residential Code during every project. The code applies to all construction, remodeling, and repairs of residential structures in a municipality. This includes single-family homes, two-family dwellings, townhomes, and accessory structures. Each of these buildings is no more than three stories above grade plane in height with a separate means of egress.
Is the International Residential Code updated often?
As with any set of rules, the International Residential Code needs to be revised over time. Individuals and groups across North America are able to submit code change proposals at any point. There is then open participation before a committee of representatives to determine whether a change should be made. This is done every three years. Experts involved fall under the fields of plumbing, electrical, and building. Some of the most recent changes in the 2021 International Residential Code book include:
- Storm shelters require an engineered design
- Additional requirements for deck guardrails
- Prohibiting of commercial gas cooking appliances
- 36-inch-wide path from emergency escape and rescue openings
- Limiting of habitable attics to half the area of the below story
How does the IRC compare to the IBC?
The International Code Council has separate model codes for residences and commercial buildings. Further, they have separate model codes for new and existing commercial buildings. As you now know, the scope of the International Residential Code (IRC) covers residential structures. The IRC shares the same intent as the International Building Code (IBC). That is, to achieve a reasonable level of public safety and health through the establishment of minimum requirements in construction. The difference between the IRC and the IBC lies in their scope. With the IBC, every building aside from those subject to the IRC must be compliant. An example would be a four-story townhouse above grade plane.

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What is the International Green Construction Code?
More and more Texas custom home builders are adopting green building standards. By using sustainable materials, home builders will save you money on your energy bills. You are also able to lower your household’s greenhouse gas emissions. There are a greater number of opportunities than ever before to build residential and commercial properties that are environmentally friendly. The model code for green building standards is the International Green Construction Code, created by the International Code Council. However, this code applies to the construction and design of all types of buildings aside from those that fall under the IRC. This means it goes hand-in-hand with the IBC. Although, home builders have their own energy conservation requirements to meet in the IRC.
Do home builders need permits?
It doesn’t matter whether you are completing a new construction or alternating structures on your current property. You need to have formal permission before kicking off residential projects. This permission comes in the form of permits. Permits are a way to show that Texas custom home builders are complying with codes, local zoning by-laws, and other applicable regulations. The information requested on the applications for permits varies by city, but will often include:
- Name and contact information of the property owner
- Address of the property
- Names and contact information of anyone working on the project
- Type and description of the work with the building’s proposed use
- Total valuation of the construction project
How can I access the code books?
Code books are essential references for Texas custom home builders. While the basic information can be found online through the International Code Council’s website, home builders are able to get their hands on the full copy of the IRC book by purchasing it. Consider going with a premium digital subscription so that you can unlock a number of features from the International Code Council site. For non-members of the International Code Council, this comes out to $107 on an annual basis. Or you can buy the 2021 IRC book for $160 on Amazon. This is an excellent investment for both professional construction workers and amateur builders.